Jacksonville, IL – Authorities say they will have to wait for toxicology reports to help determine what caused the death of a Jacksonville man and resulted in another person at the house being taken to the hospital.

Willie G. Traylor, 59, of 102 Richard St. was found dead about 8 p.m. Saturday when Jacksonville police responded to a call. An unidentified 60-year-old man was taken to Passavant Area Hospital. Details about his treatment or condition were unavailable Tuesday.

Police said foul play is not suspected.

Jacksonville Fire Chief Doug Sills said Traylor likely was using a stove as a heat source, but there was no indication of high carbon monoxide levels. The gas, caused by incomplete burning of fuels such as those in gas-fired kitchen ranges, can cause illness or death.

An adjoining apartment registered about 4 parts per million of carbon monoxide, but the Occupational Safety and Health Administration says continuous exposure to up to 50 ppm for an eight-hour period should not cause problems in healthy adults.