Midwest City, OK- A Midwest City woman said her family narrowly averted disaster earlier this week, and she has her 12-year-old son to thank.

Miesha Johnson-Brown said it was 3 a.m. Tuesday, July 30, when her son Aidan came to her and her husband Albert’s bedroom, complaining of dizziness and a bad headache. The Browns suddenly realized they didn’t feel well either and called 911. The family of six went outside.

Midwest City firefighters quickly discovered very dangerous carbon monoxide levels in the home.

Brown and her husband Albert said ONG told them a malfunctioning water heater was the cause.

Aidan Brown said he was just happy firefighters got there so fast.

“As soon as I stepped outside, took two deep breaths, I felt way better. And I got oxygen in the ambulance and it went away.”

The Browns said they now have a carbon monoxide detector.

Midwest City Fire Major David Richardson said you can buy one for as little as thirty dollars. “It’s a silent killer. It’s an odorless, tasteless killer,” he said.